Saturday, June 13, 2009

Episode 7, Strange Talents

This is my final episode from Cali *cry* No more episodes for the next few weeks, but not forget to come back eventually.


Anonymous said...

I am gonna miss youe sooooooooo much! By the way i look good:-) lol. Ily so much not only as a friend but as a sis. I really dont want u to move but i know u have to.

Anonymous said...

Hey Abby,
I'm gonna miss you sooooooooo much! I don't want you to move! Its been an awesome year and I don't want you to go! Ily ABBY! Call me! Email Me! Text me if you get a phone while your there!
Love You Miss You,

teva said...

i cant belive ur one. i got ur postcard i miss u so much. ily as a friends much byebye love ya

Teva said...

hey abby it is teva i really miss u when r u gonna put up more videos
bye bye
email me back

Leaves said...

I miss u Abby! When will u post new stuff?

Anonymous said...

i thought u were guna post new vids! miss u so much
i miss getting in trouble with like everysingle teacher for talkn to u too much
but text me- it would make my day
tell ur sis i say hi- tell her victoria sais hi to (: luv ya
<3 jordy